Moving into a new house is an exciting time, but it usually takes your body days or weeks to adjust. It’s normal to have a hard time sleeping when you’re in a new environment. When you lie down in the evening, your mind is probably racing through lists of everything you need to do related to the move.
There are also environmental factors that get in the way of restful sleep. New noises, allergies, and even the weather can stop you from getting the sleep you need after you move. Moving is already stressful enough, and bad sleep only makes things worse.
Thankfully, we have some great tips to help you fall asleep faster and get better sleep after a move. These are designed to help you feel rested and get things done during the day to make your move smoother.
1. Buy a Noise Machine

White noise can help you fall asleep when you’re in a new house trying to adjust to all the new noises or a lack of noise.
You can either buy a dedicated noise machine that sits on the ground or a bedside table, or you can use your phone or tablet.
For example, the Apple Store has some fantastic white noise apps. Many of them come with free noise, and you can buy a paid version to unlock different sounds.
Fall asleep to white noise, raindrops, waterfalls, waves, birds chirping, or soothing music. You can set a time or keep the device running all night.
2. Dim the Lights Before Bedtime

One of the best things anyone can do to improve sleep quality is to dim the lights in the evening. When you keep the lights at full power, your eyes and body feel like it’s still daytime. Asking your body to wind down in ten minutes once you hit your pillow is tough.
Turning down the lights in the hours just before you sleep will help relax your body and eyes. You’ll be closer to sleep when it’s finally time to get in bed, so you won’t toss and turn as much before you pass out.
3. Get the Temperature Right

It’s easier to fall asleep when things are cool but not too cold. The temperature significantly affects how fast you fall asleep and how restful your sleep is.
Getting the temperature right to optimize sleep in a new house can be tricky. Your home will have stronger or weaker air conditioning, which can be challenging.
Lean towards keeping things a bit colder than you’re used to in a new house. If necessary, pile on blankets. Sleeping is much easier when it’s colder versus hot.
4. Take Something to Relax

Falling asleep is hard when you’re processing the stress of a new move. In some cases, you’re going to try to fall asleep in a room with unpacked boxes and other chaos related to moving.
Sometimes people need to take a sleep aid like melatonin or drink some soothing tea to help them fall asleep in a new place. Even as an adult, people experience heightened anxiety when trying to sleep in new places.
It’s normal to feel nervous about sleeping in a new location. You are likely also anxious about everything you need to do, a new job, finding new friends, and other issues associated with moving.
You can find several sleep aids that are natural and available online or in your local grocery store.
5. Avoid Stimulants Before Bed

You’ll have a harder time falling asleep in a new house because your body doesn’t have an established routine for its new location. If you are drinking coffee, playing video games, or working late, getting good sleep will be even more difficult.
Put your phone away and keep off caffeine for at least a few hours before bedtime. Give your body time to relax and ease into sleep.
Additionally, try not to eat close to your bedtime. This avoids your body having to use energy to process foods that could keep you awake when you want to be asleep.
6. Buy the Right Curtains

Have you moved into a city full of lights and street noise at night? This is typically a significant challenge for people who move into a new place. They’re not used to their new homes’ light levels and sounds.
A great way to help you fall asleep quickly is to buy and install good-quality curtains to keep the light from getting in. Blackout curtains keep things very dark at all hours, so you never have to worry about light from other apartment buildings or streetlights affecting your sleep.
7. Clean Your Room
It sounds too simple but cleaning your bedroom will help you sleep better. You’ll feel calmer in a room that’s organized.
Of course, having a clean room right after a move is hard. Whatever you can do to keep clutter out will help.
8. Invest in Premium Bedding

Your sheets, pillows, and blankets significantly affect how well you sleep and how fast you fall asleep. If you’re moving into a new house, upgrading to high-quality sheets and other bedding is a great idea.
Your bedding doesn’t have to break the bank, either. You can find some amazing new sheets, pillows, and blankets on Amazon with tens of thousands of positive customer reviews. You’ll notice an almost immediate improvement in how long it takes to fall asleep and how rested you feel in the mornings.
9. Get More Sun Exposure

If you want better sleep, you need to get more sun exposure no matter where you live. Getting maximum sun exposure early in the day is one of the leading indicators of good sleep quality.
While it’s harder for some than others to get outside in the mornings, you should do what you can to make it a priority. Walk to work if you can or take calls outside on a bench in the morning. It’s a fantastic way to set your body’s internal clock. You’ll notice that you feel tired when it’s nighttime and will fall asleep easier.
10. Close Your Bedroom Door
Falling asleep in a new house is a lot harder if you constantly hear all the new creaks you’re not used to.
People are typically hyper-aware when they try to fall asleep in a new place, so shutting your room off to natural noises in the house will help. Close your door to muffle any sounds in the house. If you have a noise machine, turn it on to keep things consistent through the night.
11. Spend Time in Your New Room

Spending time in your new room is the last thing on this list that will help you fall asleep easily in a new house.
Too often, people are running around living rooms, kitchens, and other parts of the house all day to unpack and get ready. When it’s time to fall asleep, they walk into a bedroom that feels completely foreign.
If you want to fall asleep faster and stay asleep, you should spend time in your room before bedtime. Let your body adjust to the new environment.
Read a book or just relax on the bed for an hour or so before you want to fall asleep. Dim the lights and wind down from the activities of the day.
It will be a lot easier to fall asleep when you send the right signals to your body.